Monday, February 1, 2010

We received the news! Greta is officially my daughter! AND the 40 day period has been waived! All 3 of us will be home on February 12! I'm so excited!!!

And she is doing very well. She still isn't taking a nap, but she's being pleasant about it!


  1. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! What a relief that the waiting period has been waived. Keep the precious pictures coming. I loved the one with Greta lounging eating her Happy Meal! I hope you got some of her putting bows in Robert's hair.

  2. Just so happy for ya'll , such a good time . So glad it is final now, and that you get to come home soon. She will love her new home, play so hard she will nap then. For now I think she is having so much one on one time with each of ya'll, and that is great. I am loving the pictures and following this journey thank you for the blog. So happy for ya'll.

  3. AWESOME!! God is so great. What a blessing. And you'll be home just in time to celebrate Valentine's Day with your loves!!
