Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I received update info! Greta was seen by a cardiologist in September. Although she still has a functional systolic heart murmur, she is doing well and observation and further consultation in 2 years is all that has been recommended. She also was seen by a neurologist who did not find any problems. The eye doctor has diagnosed her as being farsighted with astigmatism. She and Robert really are siblings! The best news: The doctors think that Greta's positive reaction to the hepatitis test was due to the antibodies from her mother. Her liver is healthy! She does not have the diagnosis of hepatitis! They did express concern about another issue - she sucks her finger. :-) They clarified that this is not a problem, only a habit. If that's the biggest problem we have, we are in great shape!

Greta is 34.6 lbs and 3 feet tall. I'm eagerly (anxiously? definitely not patiently!) waiting to find out when court will be.


  1. I don't know if you remember, but I think mamma said I had some type of hear murmur when I was little but I "grew out of it". Do you think it's the same kind?

  2. Ha! It's always a relief to hear a "concern" is something as small as finger sucking! It made me remember a "concern" they had about Ingrida sleeping a lot. To me, kids sleeping late is a good thing! And she sleeps the same amount of hours as our other daughter, 9-10 a night.
