Sunday, January 31, 2010

What a journey! Sleeping is difficult for Greta. No nap either day. After she finally fell asleep last night, she slept until 7 am this morning! Robert had to get out of her sight for her to go to bed and go to sleep. She counts on him rescuing her from the mean mama!

We took her out to play in the snow. When we were getting her snowsuit on, she thought we were taking her back to the orphanage. She misses her friends. When we came back in, she had a major meltdown. I held her while she cried (and flailed). Eventually she calmed down. Afterwards she has been happier than she was earlier in the day. I expect that bedtime will be rough again. I can't imagine what is going on in her mind. She seems happy with us, but I'm sure she is missing her friends and her familiar routine.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

We have Greta!!! I've usually posted something earlier in the day than this, but I've been busy with my daughter! She has had her first Happy Meal. She has refused to take a nap. I tried, she cried, I gave in, and Robert laughed. Oh, well, there will be plenty of time to get the routine down later. : - )

Greta was obviously ready to leave with us when we got there this morning. We changed her clothes, then she went in to say good-bye. That was hard to watch. The younger ones gave her hugs. The older ones did too, but they were more solemn. The oldest boy cried. I'm sure his tears were for himself as well as for saying goodbye to Greta. He is old enough to realize that he doesn't have a family and may never. Greta went around and gave each child a hug and kiss. Those moments will stay in my mind forever.

By the way, Greta can wear the 3Ts but she doesn't have any growing room. I'll be buying 4Ts when we get home.

Friday, January 29, 2010

We're back in Klaipeda and just had a visit with Greta. She still favors Robert which I was told to expect. Right now she probably sees me as another caregiver but Robert is something new. He's also more fun! I get plenty of hugs and kisses though. He was riding her on his shoulders today, which she loved! She also had fun combing my hair. I'm sure my hair looked wonderful when she was done!

The plan right now is for me to pick Greta up from the orphanage tomorrow morning! I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much since it's not official yet. However, it seems as though the caregivers are prepared for me to pick her up tomorrow. I didn't see Dr. Genyte at the orphanage today to talk with her about the plans. We will talk tomorrow morning to confirm. I'm fairly sure that I will at least get to take her out of the orphanage for the day. I'm so ready for her to be with me!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Court is over. I would be more relieved if I had the decision. Egle says that it went well and to celebrate. I think I'll wait to celebrate after the decision has been given, which will not be until Monday afternoon. The judge asked the state/government workers about Greta's older sister, who is 17. She asked whether she may want to adopt Greta when she's older. I couldn't understand all that was being said, but the girl is with a foster family. She doesn't know Greta and there's not telling when or if she'd ever be able to care for her - or even if she would want to. It was heartbreaking to hear Greta and Greta's mother's story in court today. I'm so ready to have her home and so that she can learn what it means to have a family.

Tomorrow Robert and I return to Klaipeda by train. It's about a 4 1/2 hour trip. We will be able to visit with Greta tomorrow afternoon. We are missing her!! We will be visiting with her over the weekend. I think we will be able to take her out of the orphanage during the day, but she will probably not be able to stay with us overnight until we get the court decision. I'm going to check on that to make sure.

Once we get the court documents (which will probably be Wednesday), we'll take them to get Greta's new birth certificate - with me listed as her mother and with her new name - Greta Rose Bass. I'm told it takes a couple of hours to get the birth certificate. Then I take the birth certificate to get her passport. All of this is in Klaipeda. As soon as we get these documents, we will return to Vilnius to start the process of getting Greta's visa.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The meeting went well with the attorney. She said that she is 99% sure that the judge will waive the 40 day appeal period. Egle, the attorney, said that we have a very nice judge and that she expects the process to go smoothly. She said that it may be Friday or Monday before we get the court decision - which will make Greta officially my daughter - but when we get the decision it will be final!

After meeting with the attorney, Robert and I went to a mall to shop. We bought a couple more activities for Greta since we will have so much time in an apartment for the next couple of weeks. It is too cold to have her outside any more than is necessary. It was -5 F yesterday!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We have arrived in Vilnius and are settled in our home for the next few days. We were surprised by having internet access in our apartment. It's a nice apartment and warm - which is nice considering it's -2 F outside.

I'm still amazed at Dr. Genyte and the orphanage that has been Greta's home. Dr. Genyte told me that after court she will give me a CD of pictures of Greta since she was an infant. She keeps a scrap book of each child that has been adopted from the "baby house" - at least of the ones she receives pictures of. I am committed to sending her pictures (and donations) in the coming years. This woman makes quite a difference in many children's lives.

Robert and I enjoyed our time with Elona this evening. She is a great lady. She has taken such good care of us on this trip.

It's getting close to midnight so I'm going to get off. Tomorrow is the meeting with Egle, our attorney.
We had a good visit with Greta this morning. Then we met with the orphanage director, Dr. Genyte. She shared pictures of Greta's sister, Maria, who was adopted by a family in Virginia. She is going to contact the family to see if they want to be in contact with me. They are Lithuanian but live in America. I was glad to have the opportunity to tell Dr. Genyte what a wonderful job she has done with this orphanage.

We are getting ready to catch a bus to Vilnius!

Monday, January 25, 2010

A few of my favorites from the last few days...

We had a wonderful visit with Greta this afternoon. We were able to watch her group in music class. Robert took some videos. I have been so impressed by the people who work at this orphanage. Greta has been more subdued today but she was happier this afternoon than this morning. We will visit with her tomorrow morning before leaving for Vilnius. We will return to Klaipeda on Friday, but I don't know what time yet. So I'm not sure if we'll pick her up on Friday or on Saturday. I'm not sure how much internet access we will have while we are in Vilnius. We will be staying at an apartment rather than a hotel, so we will probably have to go to a cafe to use the internet. As cold as it's been, we will probably not go if it is much of a walk! Wednesday we meet with the attorney and then we go to court on Thursday. I'll be so glad when we are through with court. I was reassured today when I found out that Dr. Genyte (orphange director) told Elona (our adoption worker here) that the visits were going well and that Greta understands as well as she can. I have a new appreciation for the fear adoptive parents have until their adoptions are finalized! I have been so afraid that we would do something to offend Dr. Genyte and she'd decide I shouldn't adopt Greta. Such an emotional roller coaster!
We just got back from our morning visit. We weren't able to bring Greta with us because it is too cold. It has now warmed up to 1 degree F. This was a hard visit. Greta did not want to leave her group to go to the play room with us. At first we all stayed with the group, which is fine with us. The children didn't get as wild today. I guess we're getting to be familiar. I enjoy watching Greta play with the other children. After a while we were encouraged to take Greta to the play room. She was not happy! After a while, they brought another child from her group to play with her, which made her happy. This worked out fine since he was not as demanding for attention as the little girl from a few days ago. He is, however, ALL BOY! He was constantly getting into things he shouldn't!

I wonder what is going on in Greta's mind. This has to be so confusing for her. Although I was tempted to take her back to the group when she wasn't happy, I know that in a few days that won't be an option - hopefully, at least! I know that Robert and I miss home already, so I can't imagine what it will be like for her.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'm ready to go back to visit Greta. I'm waiting for a call from Elona - hoping she'll tell me that Greta can leave with me for a day visit today. Tomorrow afternoon I'll have to leave her for a few days to go back to Vilnius to go to court. I'll be back here on Friday.

I've started getting nervous about court. What if they tell me I can't adopt her? Or even that I have to wait for the 40 day appeal period. I'll be so glad when court is over on Thursday!
Today is the first day I have felt "normal" since we've been here. I slept well last night. Our visits are going very well. We are having a lot of time alone with Greta. She has enjoyed play dough. She squeezes it between her fingers. She tries to figure out how I make logs with it. She'll make a ball with it and toss it in the air (copying her brother). We have also been having fun with bubbles. She has a picture book that she enjoys. Robert will point to the picture and she will push the button with the same picture that says the word. So far the only English she has said has been to copy me when I said "goodness gracious!" - after she splashed water all over the bathroom and herself (I'm going to have to learn to move faster again!). Greta has a sense of humor. She likes to tease and she laughs easily. There have been very few tears so far. I know she starts missing her group after a while. Although I want to spend every minute I can with her, I also want her to be comfortable. So we're taking it slowly. As much as I would have been happy to take her with me the first day, I know this process is much better for her. I am still excited and nervous!

Greta was jumping off the chair into Robert's arms. Robert won't need a gym with Greta around. She gives his arms a good workout!


seems so comfortable with Robert. The caregivers at the baby house are touched by how she runs to him. Of course I melt when she greets me by running with outstretched arms yelling "mano mama! mano mama!". Hopefully we'll get a picture of the 3 of us soon.

Greta loves to take Robert's cap off. Sometimes she wears it. Sometimes she throws it down so that she can rub his head! She'll rub his head, then run her hands down the sides of his face with her face close to him. Yes, he melts!

Our first pouting session together. She was so tired! If we had been home, I would have put her down for a nap. She lets me know she is ready to go back to her group by packing her backpack. We went back to the group and played for a little while. We left a little early since she was tired and our presence causes chaos in the group room.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Today was an awesome day with Greta! We had a great visit with her. We didn't have any time alone with her yesterday. The pattern has been that we spend the morning visit with the group and the afternoon visit in the play room. The first day it was only the 3 of us for the afternoon visit but yesterday they sent one of the older girls with us. This made getting to know and bond with Greta much more difficult since this girl wanted our (especially Robert's) attention and wanted to "take care" of Greta. This afternoon it was only the 3 of us again. I had to request (insist on?) this, but it's important to me for us to spend time together. I'll post more pictures!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Robert and Greta were fast
buddies! The pictures of our first meeting will come soon. They are on Robert's camera and he is taking a nap. Greta wears him out! She can't get enough of him tossing her, lifting her, spinning her around, etc. She tried to lift him this morning!
She loudly declares "mano mama" and "mano brolis" to anyone who comes near us - that's my mama and my brother. She smiles when I reply with "mano Greta".
We are having so much fun with her. She walks with determination! She seems to like puzzles. The giggling doll I sent is not her favorite toy! Anything with buttons is a hit though. She also likes the small stuffed horse that we brought.
The orphanage is much different than I expected. It is bright and cheerful. Much like our day care centers. She is in a group of 8, all of the others except 1 are boys. There's one that she obviously doesn't like and another that seems to be her best friend. She definitely knows how to express her opinions, regardless of language barriers!

Robert is taking a nap in Prague. The trip continued to go smoothly.

Then arriving in Vilnius, Lithuania. Agnes from the Family Law Center met us at the airport and took us to our hotel. Elona, also from the Family Law Center, came over a little later to go over the paperwork (I really got here with all of the documents I needed!) and the plans for the next few days. We walked to the bank and to the store. It's a little chilly here!

Tuesday...leaving Nashville. My mom helped us get ready and out the door...and to the airport! Lorie met us there. Everything went so smoothly!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I thought I would have posted by now! It seems as though every free moment we are sleeping! It's 1:30 am here and I'm awake, so I thought I'd catch up a little. Pictures will have to come a little later.

We were able to spend several hours with Greta today (yesterday?). She was very timid when meeting us, but I expected that. She would have gone straight to Robert if the Directress had not sent her to me. I tried not to rush her. I hope the Directress didn't take that as me not being excited. I had taken a small stuffed horse to give her. I think that was a good distraction for her. She sat in my lap and looked down at the horse, then I'd notice that she was looking at me out of the corners of her eyes. When I noticed, she smiled.

She has every bit of the personality that her picture indicates! She smiles a lot. I love watching her play with Robert. She's good at pushing him around already!

When we were getting ready to leave, she thought she was going with us and started putting on her snowsuit. I wanted her to come with us too! She handled it well when the caregivers explained to her that she wasn't going yet.

I'm going to check e-mails and try to go back to sleep. We'll post pictures before leaving for the orphanage.

Friday, January 15, 2010

It's 13 degrees in Klaipeda right now . And it's about 3 pm there. Somehow I don't think I'll be letting the cold weather bother me too much!
Today is the last business day before I leave. 4 days to go! So many things to remember!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A week from today I finally meet Greta!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A week from now I will be in Vilnius, Lithuania. The forecast is for a high of 22 and cloudy - not that much different from what our weather has been like here recently! Now if I can just keep my wits about me enough to get on the plane with all of the documents and "stuff" that I need. I got a little update on Greta today. Dr. Genyte, the orphanage director, said that Greta has been healthy all winter. The last update I had was from October. Dr. Genyte also said that Greta is only wearing diapers at night. I expect that there may be some regression in that department.

I have been so blessed to be getting to know the Brubakers. They live in Klaipeda and adopted 2 boys from the same baby house/orphanage as Greta. Have I already said this? Anyway...through their blog I have been able to get glimpses of the orphanage and to get an idea of what next week will be like - as far as the visits to the orphanage.

Now back to working on that list...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So much for the list keeping me focused. I had about 16 items on it this morning and have only marked off 2. I think I'm in trouble.
It seems as though my trip keeps getting more complicated! I fly into Vilnius on the 20th. Spend the night there and drive to Klaipeda the next day. I'll be able to visit with Greta a couple of times a day at the orphanage for a few days. Then back to Vilnius to meet with the attorney on the 27th and to court on the 28th. Then back to Klaipeda to get Greta! Then we get her new birth certificate and her Visa, but there may be an additional trip back to Vilnius during this process (go to Klaipeda to get Greta, back to Vilnius to get court documents, back to Klaipeda to get birth certificate and Visa? maybe?). Then back to Vilnius to finish the adoption process - I have no idea what that means!
The current plan is to return to Nashville on Friday, February 12 around 6 pm. Yes, that's a day earlier than I've been telling everyone. Just one more sign of my lack of focus.
Now back to that list...
One week from now I'll be on my way to Lithuania. I'm to the point of not being able to sleep or concentrate! My To Do List is unbelievably long, but maybe it'll help me stay focused. I am so glad to have made contact with a family (the Magalhaes) in Vilnius - through Uncle Bobby's friend (and mmine too) Jerry Farmer's neice Nicki Brooks' friends the Holmes. Did you follow that? I'm looking forward to meeting the Magalhaes in person soon. I've also been e-mailing with an American family who are living and working in Klaipeda (the city where Greta lives). They have adopted 2 boys from the same baby house (orphanage) as Greta. I've also met another family through a Lithuania adoption blog who adopted from the same baby house 3 years ago and who also worked through Bethany. Isn't it a small world?!
Can you tell I'm excited? Now it's time to go work on that list...