Saturday, January 30, 2010

We have Greta!!! I've usually posted something earlier in the day than this, but I've been busy with my daughter! She has had her first Happy Meal. She has refused to take a nap. I tried, she cried, I gave in, and Robert laughed. Oh, well, there will be plenty of time to get the routine down later. : - )

Greta was obviously ready to leave with us when we got there this morning. We changed her clothes, then she went in to say good-bye. That was hard to watch. The younger ones gave her hugs. The older ones did too, but they were more solemn. The oldest boy cried. I'm sure his tears were for himself as well as for saying goodbye to Greta. He is old enough to realize that he doesn't have a family and may never. Greta went around and gave each child a hug and kiss. Those moments will stay in my mind forever.

By the way, Greta can wear the 3Ts but she doesn't have any growing room. I'll be buying 4Ts when we get home.


  1. Today is Saturday!!!! Yea!! Hooray!! Fantastic !! you got her , the sweet little precious Greta !! WOW ! I am so so very glad for her ,and you and Robert!! It is just so wonderful . I know she will be so happy with ya'll and her new home . She is a blessed child for sure . Yea!! Joyce Mount

  2. That is so awesome! I'm so glad y'all are all back together. I know that the goodbyes at the orphanage were hard for all. Especially the older ones. I pray for them all.

  3. I'm glad she was ready to go with you! Enjoy your time together, we can't wait for you to come home!

  4. All the more reason for us to continue being passionate about what we do! There are SO many children who deserve the love and guidance of a family! Greta is one lucky girl!
