Thursday, February 11, 2010

Robert is giddy with excitement about going home. I'm excited too. Greta seems confused about what is going on. My head is spinning. I can't believe I have a daughter! She already is a miniature Robert in many ways. It is so much fun to watch them together - fighting one minute and hugging the next!
I feel so indebted to Dr. Genyte. She has made the best out of a bad situation for so many children. And I can't imagine trying to get through this process without Elona and her crew. They took care of us each step of the way!
And now we're headed home to see family and friends who we've missed so much!

Time to get Greta in the tub and in bed early. Getting a toddler up at 3 am should be lots of fun!


  1. I hope you all had a good night's sleep and got up chipper to get to the airport so early in the morning. I'm praying for your safe travel and for Greta to be a good girl. Tell Robert he better behave too. I know how he is with those foreign flight attendants. lol
    Can't wait to see you. I know you will be so glad to be home and get settled as a family. Isn't God awesome?
    Love, Mary

  2. Greta and I got some good sleep. Robert chose to stay up all night instead. We made it home great though. Can't wait to see you!
